Saturday, July 27, 2024
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-What do I do if my tracking number isnt showing up on

If you recieved a tracking number and it has not shown up on simply email us and we will look into it. Keep in mind we ship Monday - Friday. We do not ship weekends. So if you place an order on a Saturday and get a tracking number, it will not show up on until Monday night. Any issues email anytime, were not one of those companies that mind your emails. Your our customers we value you, just email us. Keep in mind all products are for research use only, they are not for animal or human use of any kind 


-I have sent an e mail with a question that I have and have not gotten a response. 

Please see the "Terms and Conditions"  tab at the bottom of the home page and read it's contents thoroughly.


- I am trying to set up an account but it keeps saying that the verification code that I type in is incorrect.

You may be using a browser that is too old. Please try a recent update of Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari.

 -Why does your PGE-1 2mg look empty?

Our PGE-1 2mg has absolutly no filler. ZERO. When conducting your research, due to the chemical properties any type of filler can interfere with the purity. Do your research. Your will find the purity over 98.6%. 


- I have placed an order and have not gotten a tracking number sent to me from the USPS auto-generated email system with my tracking information.

Search your spam and inbox folder for it first and foremost. Be sure to use "USPS" as your search criteria. You may email us for it and we'll email it back to you if there has been enough time duration since your order (more than 2 days). Also, please wait a full 48 hours after your order has been placed because the USPS auto-notify system is not instantaneous and can be a bit slow.

- It's seems like a while and my order hasn't been delivered yet.

Check the delivery status via the USPS emailed tracking number. It was emailed to you via the email address that you provided during account setup or on your order. Please email us for your tracking information ONLY IF YOU HAVE SEARCHED your inbox and spam folder. Please keep in mind that USPS delivery speed has been effected by budget cuts from the US government. We do still ship as soon as we possibly can (within 24 hours aways with the exception of the weekends). The delivery times that USPS has changed, but our level of service has not.


- Do you sell low volume / "small molecule"  chemicals in powder form?

Absolutely not.

- Do you sell solvents (Bacteriostatic Water)?

No, bacteriostatic is appears to be a prescribed only item in the USA.

reconstituted, the shelf-life shortens considerably. Reconstitution of the peptides is left for the qualified researcher to handle.

- I have some technical questions having to do with lab procedure. Can help me?

No we cannot. We are suppliers, not lab tech's. 

- A peptide that I purchased recently appears to have less lyophilized powder in the vial in comparison to the others... Why is this?

During the shipping process, it is normal for the package to take some bumps. When this happens, the "lyophilized cake" is bumped against the wall of the vial and the cake (that has a sponge-like consistency) compresses somewhat. Also, the center vial in a pack tends to get the most compression due to the weight of the other two vials to it's sides. This gives the appearance of less material but it is only a physical change. If you were to weigh the contents exactly, you would find that they are virtually the same in weight.

- All of the solid material has settled to the bottom of the research chemical that I ordered. Is it ruined?

No it is fine. This is completely normal and only has to be stirred up again to get the solids back into suspension.

- Are your products sythesized in the USA or abroad?

Both. Our peptides are sythesized in the USA.

- I have some very specific questions about the properties of your products. Can you answer them for me?

No. Beyond simple questions concering shelf life, ingredients, etc., we do not answer specific questions 

- I need to return a product. How may I do this?

We take returns as follows: Peptides must be returned sealed (vial caps in place) within 15 days of purchase. Chemicals must be returned 30 days from purchase sealed. A notification email must be sent to:

- I cannot remember or I lost my login and / or password to my account. Can you help?

Yes we can help you. Please email us at and we reset your password or remind you of your login email address as needed.

What do I do if my area isnt showing when I go to enter my shipping address?

If your area isnt showing in our drop box when you go to enter your shipping address, that means we do not ship to that area.


- Do you take any other forms of payment?

Yes. Please email us at or for more information. You will be sent a form you must print out sign, date, scan and email it back to us. This form is required by all companies that do not purchase products from out site using a credit or debit card and pay by alternate methods. This form must be processed before we can ship your order. This is what the law says you, you must complete it and get it back to us before we ship.
